
20th Biennial Student Nurses Association Conference of Gujarat Branch was Organized on 14th & 15th Octomber,2019 at Vadodara. Theme Was “NURSING HARMONY OF MIND, BODY & SPIRIT.” From all over Gujarat 1500 Students Came to Participate in SNA Conference. From Our…

 NATIONAL CONFERENCE REPORT Title: “Leading Way to Healthy Community.” Sub Title: Know your CommunityHealthy Mother-Healthy Baby : Midwives continue to careExpanding Access to Equitable Pediatric Care.Building a culture of Nursing Excellence in Mental HealthExploration of Nursing Services Towards SocietyPannel Discussion-…

by focusing on the individual child , psychologist can assess changes in the child’s abilities over time , including their physical , cognitive , social and emotional development. Disease related to mental health, ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderAutisum spectrum…

After a lunch break the next lectures had been started. 5th lecture was about the recent immunization schedule of india -2017. The lecture was conducted by Dr. Hari Mohan Singh, Principal of Apollo Institute of Nursing, Ghandhinagar. It was an amazing lecture…

The last and final lecture was about organization and standard Maintained in NICU which was explained by Dr. Ashish Shah,pediatrician at sparsh hospital.The explained about the how the NICU shold be organized.the have explain some criteria about the organization Of NICU.…

Although some of the principles of examining children are similar to adult examination, there are important differences in both outline and detail. Children are not just small adults, and the pattern of disease, the approach to the examination and content…

 NATIONAL CONFERENCE REPORT Title: “Leading Way to Healthy Community.” Sub Title: Know your CommunityHealthy Mother-Healthy Baby : Midwives continue to careExpanding Access to Equitable Pediatric Care.Building a culture of Nursing Excellence in Mental HealthExploration of Nursing Services Towards SocietyPannel Discussion-…

XXVIII SNA BIENNIAL CONFERANCE Hosted by TNAI Tamil Nadu Branch, 2nd and 6th November,2019. Theme :” Nursing: Harmony of Mind, Body & Spirit.” Dr. T. Dileep Kumar, President, Indian Nursing Council (INC)  grace Conference as the Guest of Honour and…

T.&T.V. Institute Of Nursing Organizing 1st National Level Conference On 18th February 2020 Joining Hands In The Fight Against Cancer. WHO Theme 2020 “I am and I will” Venue Sanjeevkumar Auditorium T and T.v. Institute of Nursing organize one day…