General Rules and Regulations

  1. At the time of admission student & parents have to fill anti ragging form.
  2. All should student should wear the same uniform given by the institution.
  3. Students must follow all the rules & duties given by institute, hostel & hospitals time to time. If any student failed to do so strict action will be taken form institute.
  4. Any information regarding to institute policy should not disclosed to any one (i.e. Media) if it happens the student will be terminated.
  5. Consumption of any form of alcohol & tobacco, use of mobile phone, misbehave with teachers or other subordinate& damage to institute or hostel property is major misconduct. If it strict action will be taken form institute.
  6. All the information regarding rules & duties will be displayed on notice board it is responsibility of student to get information.
  7. Institute will not be responsible if anything stolen or misplaced. It is the responsibility of student who brings such valuable things.(i.e. Vehicle, jewellery, money)
  8. If any student gets sick during study time he/she should submit medical fitness certificate issued by MD/MS then only student will be able to continue classes.
  9. Student must maintain discipline & professional etiquettes with all & all the time.