Title: “Leading Way to Healthy Community.”
Sub Title:
- Know your Community
- Healthy Mother-Healthy Baby : Midwives continue to care
- Expanding Access to Equitable Pediatric Care.
- Building a culture of Nursing Excellence in Mental Health
- Exploration of Nursing Services Towards Society
- Pannel Discussion- How to strengthen Nursing Services in Society.
On 5th April,2019 from T and T.V. School of Nursing 5 Faculty and students took participated as a delegates. Morning 8:30 conference was inaugurated by Registrar GNC, Dr. Nisha (Maharastra), Mr. I.A. Kadiwala sir (president GNC and INC member), Mrs. Indrawati Rao (Principal Government college of Nursing, Surat).Speaker of First session was Ms. Smital Chaudhri. She Explained about Know Your Community: To Build Healthy Society.
At 10:30 am Research Paper presentation was started. Total 11 Faculty were Presented their Research Presentation. Among them From T. and T.V. School of Nursing 4 faculties were Presented their research Paper Presentation. Our College Ms. Bhumika Chaudhri got 1st rank in Paper Presentation. From Our Institute 2 Facultis Ms. Tanvi Bhatia and Ms. Bhumika Chaudhri were act as Moderator during one session of Conference.
Second Session was start up by 11:oo am on Healthy Mother –Healthy Baby, Midwives Continue to care by Navneeta R. Kumar, Vice Principal, Quadra college of Nursing, Uttarakhand. Next Session was taken up by Dr. Shweta Joshi , Professor, D.Y.Patil College of Nursing, Pune on Expanding Access to Equitable Pediatric Care. After Lunch Break Dr. Nisha Naik ,Professor, Dr. D.Y. Patil college of Nursing,Pune has conducted session on Building a culture of Nursing Excellence in Mental Health.and Last Session which is on Exploration of nursing Services Towards Society conducted by Ms. Jennith Ahmedabadi.At last Panel Discussion was carried out by Mr. Ashish Jain Principal of S.S. Agrawal College of Nursing on How to strengthen Nursing Service in Society. Lastly National Conference was completed by Valedictory, certificate Distribution and Feedback.