World cancer day theme was “CLOSE THE CARE GAP”
On February 4, 2022 third year B.Sc nursing students have celebrated the world cancer day at Bharat cancer hospital and Shri Devrajbhai Tejani Cancer hospital, Surat at 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. The programme coordinator was Ms. Swati J. Gamit and assisted by Ms. Hebrinah Christie.
The programme activity contains mass health education programme by exhibition and role -play on theme, different types of cancers cause, s/s, treatment and prevention of cancer.
- Charts: There were total 40 numbers of charts which present World cancer day theme, current statistics of cancer, causes, s/s and management of different types of cancers such as oral cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostatic cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, uterine cancer, cervical cancer, skin cancer, different treatment modalities for cancer, diet for cancer patients, vaccination for cancer and prevention of cancer.
- Role Play: The role play was performed by third year B.Sc nursing students at Shri Devrajbhai Tejani Cancer Hospital, Civil Hospital Campus ,Surat. The moral of the roleplay was to raise awareness on lung cancer and how to prevent lung cancer as the cases of the lung cancer are more in our state.
- Theme Unfolding: At bharat cancer hospital theme unfolding was done by third year B.Sc nursing student Ms.Ridhdhi Patel and Ms. Alfiya.
- During this programmeMedical director of Bharat Cancer Hospital , Metron madam, admin staff of Bharat cancer , staff nurses, cancer patients and cancer patients relatives gave their valuable presence and the appreciated students effort.