T & T. V. Institute of nursing organized lamp lighting and oath ceremony of 1st year B.Sc. nursing students at auditorium hall T & T. V. Institute of nursing college, Ashaktashram campus, Surat on 30 March, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. The programme co – ordination was Ms. Nikita Dhimmer, Ms. Vilas Ahir, Ms. Meha Suratiya under the guidance of Mr. Kiran Dimadiya sir and Mr. Jimmy James Mogaria sir .
The Lamp Lighting ceremony formally declares the student’s entry into the nursing profession in remembrance of Florence nightingale who is known as the founder of morden nursing. The chief guest was our Dr. Kashyapsinh Khrachiya, special guest Mr. I.A. Kadiwala and Guest of Hourner Mr. Kamlesh Parmar and Ashaktashram Family. The speech was given by guest’ s, Hon. Secretory Mr. Haresh Mehta sir and principal sir.
The dignitaries inaugurated the function by light the lamp and invoked the divine blessing our Guests, Principal sir of T & T. V. Institute of nursing college and other faculties lighted the Florence nightingale lamp & transferred the light of knowledge to the 50 students of B.Sc. Nursing and 40 students of GNM nursing. Moreover, all students dedicated themselves to the nursing profession by lighting their lamps followed by the administration of nightingale Pledge. Oath was taken by GNM and B.Sc. nursing students through the auspicious presence of Mr. Kiran Domadiya sir and prayer sang by all students.
Then vote of thanks given by Mr. Jimmy James Mogaria sir and at the end of the ceremony all of us sang national anthem and had the delicious refreshment given by refreshment committees.