12TH MAY, 2033
International nurses day 2023 was celebrated by T. & T.V. Institute of nursing in collaboration with New civil hospital ,Surat. The programme was coordinated by Mr. Jimmy J. Mogaria I/C Principal of T. & T.V. Institute of nursing, Ms. Sweta Patel ,Assistant Professor, Ms. Disha Shah , Nursing Tutor, Ms. Mansi Patel ,Nursing Tutor. The programe was organized in civil hospital with organ donation team of Surat. The main aim of programe were appreciate the nurses for their hard work and create awareness about organ donation. The detail of the programe were following :
Mr. Jimmy J. Mogaria I/C Principal was wished nurses day to all faculties and faculties wished to principal sir. The Students of the T. & T.V. Institute of nursing also celebrate nurses day by wishes and giving hand made card and bouquet to all the faculties . students of 3rd semester B.Sc nursing was gifted self sketch of Florance Nightingle .
At 10 AM faculties and students were reached to civil hospital, Surat . 2nd year GNM amd 3rd semester B.Sc nursing students were prepared and display the 25 posters regarding organ donation. They also made the model of different different organ and displayed. Mr. Dilipbhai Deshmukh the organizer of organ donation trust was appreciate to the student for their creative poster.
The programe was started at 10.30 AM in the presence of Mr. Dilipbhai Deshmukh the organizer of organ donation trust, Mr. I.A. Kadiwala, Ms. Indrawati Rao principal of government college of nursing, Surat, Mr. Jimmy J. Mogaria principal of T . & T.V. Institute of nursing, Ms. Alka Tanjne principal of Vibrant Nursing college. The dignitaries inaugurated the function by lighting the lamp and invoked the divine blessing. Mr. I.A. Kadiwala welcome all the guest of the programe .
As a part of celebration Mr. Dilipbhai Deshmukh provide 160 head nurse name plate to the civil hospital head nurse as well as also provide staff nurse name plate to staff of civil hospital . Mr. Dilipbhai Deshmukh called all the students of T.&T.V. Institute of Nursing on the stage for photography.
Students of 3rd semester B.Sc. nursing(T.&T.V. Institute of Nursing) performed the drama on live life after death . Drama was also performed by students of vibrant college of nursing surat on organ donation.
Mr. Dilip Deshmukh delivered their valuable insight about the noble profession with speech also inspired the staff and students.
At the end of the programme refreshment was given.
Mr. Haresh Mehta (Hon. Secretary of S.D.V.S. AshakatashramTrust ) , Mr. Jimmy. J. Mogaria( Principal T.& T.V. Institute of Nursing, Surat) faculties and students were celebrated the programme by cake cutting.Mr. Haresh Mehta motivate and appreciate the staff as well as students.
Poster exhibition done at T.&T.V. Institute of Nursing . Mr. Haresh Mehta Dr. Ankit Desai, Mr. Dhaval Shah appreciate the student and motivate them. At the end Refreshment given to the students.