World cancer day the theme was ” CLOSE THE CARE GAP “
On February 4th , 2023 2nd semester B.Sc nursing students have celebrated the World Cancer Day at, Katargam Saheri Samuhik Arogya Kendra, Surat respectively at 9:00 AM to 12 PM. The programme coordinator was Ms. Swati Gamit and Ms. Prarthna Macwan.
The program activity contains chart exhibition and role-play. These include:
- Charts: There were total 20 numbers of charts:
- Which represents theme of cancer day, what is cancer, CAUTION, common cancer among male and female, warning signs of different types of cancer, vaccination for cervical cancer, self-breast and self-oral examination and preventive aspects of cancer.
- The special emphasis was given on prevention and elimination of female reproductive system related cancers.
- Role Play: For Role play total 10 number of students have participated:
- The moral of the role play was to raise awareness of cancer and common carcinogens which can cause cancer.
- During the role play around 200 patients and their relative, medical officer and staff nurses were present at Katargam Saheri Samuhik Arogya Kendra.
- After role play the community people were asking the question regarding Cancer.
For the day celebration we have guided by our respected principal sir Mr. Jimmyjames mogaria, as well as the medical officer of center Ms. Rinkal Patel. after the role play Mam has given speech regarding cancer and it’s prevention.
At this event many community people given their a valuable presence and made this awareness meaningful and more successful.