Every year1-7 august is celebrated as World breastfeeding week. This year World breast feeding week-23 theme is “enabling breastfeeding making a difference for working parents.”
As a Part of Breastfeeding week-2023 T. & T.V Institute of Nursing students organized poster presentation on importance, techniques and advantages of breastfeeding on 1 august, 2023 at simmer hospital, Surat. In which 90 students took participate.
T & T.V. Institute of Nursing held health awareness session on breastfeeding on 1″august, 2023 in postnatal ward of simmer hospital. In this program 100 postnatal and antenatal mothers are participated.
After that health awareness session was conducted by 3rd year B.Sc students and 3rd year GNM students on breast feeding with the help of poster Exhibition among postnatal mother of simmer hospital. There were total 20 numbers of charts were exhibited regarding theme of breast feed, colostrums, position of breast feeding, benefits of breast feeding. At the end the health awareness session was ended by question answer session of mother. And mother understood about importance of colostrums, sign of latching, different position of breast feeding and advantages of breast feeding.
The programme coordinator was Ms. Heena patel and assisted by Ms. Meha Suratiya, Ms. Nidhee Gohil.