WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY Theme-2023: We Need Food, Not Tobacco World No-Tobacco Day aims to raise awareness among people about the health hazards of tobacco
WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY Theme-2023: We Need Food, Not Tobacco World No-Tobacco Day aims to raise awareness among people about the health hazards of tobacco
WORLD BREASTFEEDING WEEK-2023:”ENABLING BREASTFEEDING MAKING A DIFFRENCE FOR WORKING PARENTS.” Every year1-7 august is celebrated as World breastfeeding week. This year World breast feeding week-23
VENUE: NILKANTH KANYA VIDHYALAYA, SINGANPORE, SURAT BENEFICIARIES: 150 Childrens of Nilkanth Kanya Vidhyalaya, Singanpore, Surat TOTAL NO. OF PARTICIPANTS: 28 Students of 1 Year GNM,
T. & T.V . INSTITUTE OF NURSING INTERNATIONAL NURSES DAY 2023 12TH MAY, 2033 THEME- OUR NURSE OUR FUTURE International nurses day 2023 was celebrated
T & TV INSTITUTE OF NURSING LEPROSY DAY CELEBRATION World leprosy day the theme was ” ACT NOW, END LEPROSY” On January 31st,
T.&T.V. INSTITUTE OF NURSING REPORT ON ORGANIZATION OF SCHOOL HEALTH PROGRAMME On 21st December 2022, 4th year bsc nursing students has Organized School Health