On date of 4th September 2023, T. &T.V Institute of Nursing organized BLS training programme for the 1st year and 2nd year b.sc Nursing students under the guidance of our respected principal Mr. Jimmy James Mogaria.
This training programme was conducted by Dr. Ashwini Shah from Pediatric Association, Surat and coordinated by Ms. Ekta Pandya Assistant Professor T. &T.V Institute of Nursing.
Programme was held in auditorium hall of T. &T.V Institute of Nursing in which from the 1st year and 2nd year B.sc nursing total 100 students and 20 faculty members were participated in BLS training programme.
In this programme she demonstrate about Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation and Immediate home care management of chocking by using mannequins and also explain regarding how to use the Automated external defibrillators in person with cardiac arrest outside the hospitals.
After training every participantincluding students and faculty members individually practice on mannequins regarding how to deliver CPR and help in survival of the person outside the Hospital.
After the completion of Demonstration students were clear their doubts by asking certain questions to the mam and she cleared all the doubts and students as well as faculty members gain their knowledge regarding BASIC LIFE SUPPORT.
After the completion of BLS training programme, all the participants get E- certificate from Surat Pediatric Association Charitable Trust.