Hosted by TNAI Tamil Nadu Branch,
2nd and 6th November,2019.
Theme :” Nursing: Harmony of Mind, Body & Spirit.”
Dr. T. Dileep Kumar, President, Indian Nursing Council (INC) grace Conference as the Guest of Honour and Prof. (Dr.) Roy K. George, President, TNAI enligten with the presidential address.
From Our Institution there were 3 Participant From Different event Who Achieved First Rank in State Level Nursing Conference.
List of Participant:
- Riya Patel : Poster Presentation
- Nalini Mangela: Essay Competition
- Kavya Patel: Personality Contest
Its Privilege for T and T.V. Institute of Nursing from all over Nursing Colleges of Gujarat Ms. Riya Patel Secured 1st Rank in Poster Competition at National Level.