20th Biennial Student Nurses Association Conference of Gujarat Branch was Organized on 14th & 15th Octomber,2019 at Vadodara.
From all over Gujarat 1500 Students Came to Participate in SNA Conference. From Our Institute Total 94 Participant (Faculty & students) Went to Attend Conference. Even for Different event our Students Participate in Different Competition. Congratulations to all Participant of our Institute. Our Students Secured 1st and 2nd Rank in Different Competition.
SNA Conference Participant

1st Rank In Essey Competetion: Ms.Nalini Mangela(4th Yr B.Sc. Nsg)

1st Rank in Personality Contest:Ms. Kavya Patel(2nd Yr B.Sc. Nsg)

1st Rank in Poster Presentation: Ms. Riya Patel(2nd Yr B.Sc.)

2nd Rank in Quiz Competetion(Ms. Nalini Mangela, Ms. Mansi Patel, Ms. Krupali Dave)4th Yr B.Sc.

2nd Rank in On the Spot Painting: Ms.Charmi Patel(4th Yr B.Sc.)

Got Prize as 2nd Highest Participant From All over Gujarat.