World Health Day Theme – “OUR PLANET, OUR HEALTH”
On 7th April, 2022, 1st year M.Sc. nursing & 1st year P.B.B.Sc. nursing and 3rd year B.Sc. nursing students had celebrated the world Health day at Primary health centre, Dihen , Surat at 09:00am to 12:00pm. The programme coordinator was Ms. Roshani Naik , Ms. Fajila Patel and Ms.Prachi Patel.
The programme activity contains Village Rally, Theme Inauguration, Prayer, Musical Suryanamskar, Yogasan, Meditation and mass health education programme by exhibition of posters and Drama on World Health Theme.
- Theme unfolding: At Primary health centre, Dihen theme unfolding was done by Medical Officer Dr. Rupal Patel and Depeuty Sarpanch Ms. Divya Patel.
- Village Rally: 1st year M. Sc. Nursing, 1st Year P.B. B. Sc. Nursing, and 3rd Year B.Sc. Nursing students involved in Village Rally with Health slogans.
- Suryanamskar & Yogasan: There were total 7 number of student of 1st Year P. B. B.Sc. Nursing performed 12 steps of Suryanamsakr and demonstrate 4 type of Yogasan along with Omkar Meditation and explain it’s advantages in our life.
- Charts: There were total 10 numbers of charts which present World Health Day theme, Air Pollution, Soil Pollution, Food Alteration, Lifestyle modification, Healthy Lifestyle, Nutrition, Clean Water, Good Habits related to Health. Charts were prepared by 1st Year P. B. B.Sc. Nursing & 1st Year M.Sc. Nursing Students.
- Role play: The role play was performed by 3rd year B.Sc. Nursing students at Primary health centre, Dihen , Surat. The moral of the role play was to raise awareness on Simple Lifestyle and Modern Lifestyle.
During this programme medical officer Dr. Rupal Patel & Mr. Ashwin (Supervisor), Nursing staff, Asha workers, of Primary Health Centre, Dihen, Depeuty Sarpanch, 3 members of Gam Panchayat And Some people of village were present and given their valuable presence and the appreciated students efforts.